>> acts against piracy, thiefs and misused purposes <<

what will across in your mind whenever you see one of your picture appears on the net or newspaper or magazine but the credit title is something but your name?

angry? yes! sad? of course! mad? don’t even ask! but take an action to against the piracy, thiefs and misused purposes are more importants for me. because this is speaking about copyrighted materials and already stolen by others without any prior permission. and this is also about etiquette, manners and morality.

as per january 31th 2008, one of my picture about belitung island as appears on my belitung page on vt also in my personal weblog already been misused by an agency [how kind am i not to mentioned the name clearly! i am not coward but i am awaiting their good will to treat this case as something serious due to copyrighted material, courtesy fee and misused purpose on their side] to promote sriwijaya air, a national airlines on klasika page 40, kompas newspaper –nationalwide circulation.

i believe in karma and i respect the etiquette, manners and morality of everybody related in this case. i already took an action at the first chance. now wait … who have the guts?

to refresh about do i talk falsely or correctly, let’s see these pictures as appears below and please let me know, if there’s a difference amongst them.

* the original ones * (c) ukirsari

* the copy ones *

and below is a letter from giampiero, vt general manager and webmaster from virtual tourist dot com, where i join as a member and keep my travel journals and pictures.

From: giampiero6
Received: Feb 05, 2008 23:31

To: ukirsari
Subject: RE: my picture has been stolen

It is truly amazing that an ad agency would do this. I can see an amateur website doing this, but in the US, the agency would be liable for use fees, royalties and damages. That said, it’s good that they followed back to you.

Usually people try to ignore these things. It’s very very unprofessional. When you meet with them, I would suggest that they pay you the regular fee that they would pay to use a photograph + a courtesy fee to you. It’s your right to expect that and they should also fire the person who did that.

If you think they took it from VT, you can tell them, that VT is also aware of the problem, and the fact that they took the photo from VT site, means that they are legally liable to us. Let them know that we are aware of it, and if they don’t provide satisfaction to you, that we will also act against them. If they took it from your blog, then perhaps they can help as well.

Thanks for letting me know, I’d be curious to hear the outcome.

With Very Best Wishes,


16 thoughts on “>> acts against piracy, thiefs and misused purposes <<

  1. how frustrating! and yes… you are too nice to keep the name anonymous. which country was the agency from? was it from a country with lack of copyrights awareness? i am so sorry that they did this to you. keep us posted, arie!

  2. hehehe *in very sarcastic way of laughing* of course an indonesian agency, diny. and it’s just like giampiero said, “very very unprofessional”. i will keep posting the case and for ‘appetizer’ i tell you what: one of the negotiator just said, “the person who took your picture already resign 3 days ago.” big laugh!!!

  3. Ok mbak.. aku dukung untuk dapat pengakuan dan resposibility-nya si pembuat iklan tsb…
    Kok enak yaa.. ngaku2 dokumentasinya mrk…

    Minimal permohonan maaf di media..

    jangan2 ketularan si Malon.. suka 2 ngambil hak cipta org…..

  4. terima kasih dukungannya ya, mas!
    seperti yang sudah aku sampaikan di komentar buat diny, awalnya untuk memberi pengakuan saja sudah “mbingungi” … i wonder kalo bisa clear nantinya! siapa yang kecurian dan siapa yang ngeyel? dan kenapa aku mesti mempedulikan alasan mereka sementara mereka nyomot gambarku tanpa ba-bi-bu?

  5. Babe… kudu di urus sampai tuntas… masalahnya bukan hanya mencuri dan hak cipta. tapi kui wis masalah seni dan rasa. tidak semua orang bisa mengambil gambar sebagus itu.

    dodol banget tuch. ga tau malu ya…

    semangat ya….

  6. Go GirLLLL!!!!

    Harus diperjuangkan!

    Ini kan soal hak cipta, intelektual dan kreativitas kamu. Itu nilainya lebih besar dari sekadar uang tutup mulut satu jeti rupiah. Deadline, kerjaan mana sih yg enggak pake deadline? It sucks, tapi bukan berarti orang bisa seenaknya jadi ceroboh, trus pake itu sbg excuse. Memalukan, nyolong kok minta simpati…

  7. iya babe … ngambil dengan dalih deadline ya please banget gitu lho. ceroboh ya ceroboh, pakai mata kalau kerja lebih penting. dan ya itu, penghargaan terhadap hak intelektual dan kreativitas yang perlu. advetorial juga kerja kreatif ‘kan? kalo kebablasan, ya begini ini jadinya.

  8. aku juga mau ikut2an mencuri ahh…
    tapi buat pajangan di Wallpaper pc ku..
    boleh ndak ya..?
    kalo mau ngedenda seceng aja ya?

    hahaha.. just kidding. masa Hak Intelektualitas cuma dihargain noceng go hahaha..
    opo tumon ??

  9. iya jovan, permasalahannya bahkan lebih dari sejuta atau dua juta. tapi bagaimana membangun kesadaran tentang hak-hak intelektualitas dan bertindak fair terhadap karya orang lain. kasihan pihak yang dirugikan, bukan?

  10. thanks buat dukungannya ya mbak bril 🙂
    ora usah ajak siapa-siapa. aku cuma ingin mengajak semua orang berkesadaran: menghargai karya orang lain dan memperlakukannya sebagai hak intelektual yang dimiliki pihak lain.
    sehingga mesti ada halo, pronto, kulanuwun begitu. sama halnya bila kita bertamu. pasti nunggu dibukakan pintu dan bertanya mau ketemu siapa, ‘kan? masa langsung nyeruput kopi di meja?!

  11. Ya.. yaaa ..yaaa…

    Pembajakan hak Intelektualitas harus diberantas sampe ke akar-akarnya, karena tdk akan membuat orang menjadi berkualitas.

    Apalah artinya 1 jt, jika si plagiator bisa mendapatkan lebih dari itu ?
    Sikaattt…. n Ganyang para pembajak dari muka bumi ini ..!!

  12. terima kasih atas dukungannya jovan!

    benar sekali, bagaimana akan jadi lebih berkualitas bila hak intelektual pun tidak dihargai. padahal masa depan mereka ‘kan tergantung pada penyelesaian masalah ini. nama baik dipertaruhkan — tapi dengan catatan, kalau mereka menyukai nama bersih tanpa cela!

    nominal sekian-sekian-sekian itu cuma mempermudah atau menggampangkan mereka, bukan menyelesaikan masalah.

    yang cukup adil [barangkali] adalah meminta mereka ada diposisi yang kecurian dan menyadari pihak pengguna tanpa ijinnya bisa mendapatkan segala. this is definetely unfair and can be seen how coward they are!

  13. Mbak Uki …
    maju terus , sikat aja tuh penyamun ..
    ga tau malu gitu loh , ga menghargai karya org .
    Blog & tulisan Mbak Uki udah topp sih jadi org gatel de maen comot aja .
    eh iya ntar di crt belitung selanjutnya , boleh kan saya insert Link Mbak Uki yah ..
    kalo ga boleh ksh tau yah , thx …

  14. dear veny, thanks dukungannya ya. pasti aku akan maju terus. secara mereka agency masa ya nggak kreatif dengan minta baik-baik lebih dulu. apalah artinya punya kreativitas bila menyadari hak cipta [orang lain] nggak punya.

    hehehe .. bisa aja, blog ku nggak terkenal kok 😉

    okay, boleh aja. silakan bikin link nya veny!

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